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Mazeed Himaqatain (مزید حماقتیں) | by Colonel Shafiq Ur Rehman | PDF eBook Free Download

Mazeed Himaqatain
Col Shafiq Ur Rehman is the creator of Himaqatain. He was a well known essayist and humorist. Col Shafiq Ur Rehman wrote numerous acclaimed books in Urdu. He was an expert therapeutic officer in Pakistan Army. Col Shafiq Ur Rehman had great relations with Syed Zameer Jafri and Col Muhammad Khan. Them two were additionally funniness journalists. The book Himaaqatain likewise contains short stories of Col Shafiq Ur Rehman.
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You can download pdf of Himaqatain Book by Col Shafiq Ur Rehman or read on the web. Here is the stunning novel by "Col Shafiq Ur Rehman" named "Himaqatain Book". The Novel is in urdu dialect. This is extraordinary compared to other work by this creator.
Col Shafiq Ur Rehman is the creator of Mazeed Himaqatain. This book contains comic drama short stories. Col Shafiq Ur Rehman is the considerable name of Urdu exposition. He composed numerous incredible comic books. He is a resign armed force officer.
Shafiq Ur Rehman served in Pakistan Army alongside Muhammad Khan. Them two are humorist of Urdu. Here you can download all books free in Pdf arrange. I trust you like Mazeed Himaqatain.
Free Download or read online the second release of Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman's (Late) acclaimed Urdu book "Mazeed Hamaqatain". This Urdu book is the second version of "Hamaqatain" which got extraordinary ubiquity and constrained the writer Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman to composed the second version "Mazeed Hamaqatain". In the wake of distributing Mazeed Hamaqatain, the outcome was the same. Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman is best known for these 2 books.
Mazeed Hamaqatain is created by Shafiq Ur Rahman who is a well known humorist in Pakistan as well as in India. He has created numerous other Urdu books like Kirnain, Dajla, Shagoofay, Insani Tamasha and so forth. He is best known for his short silliness Urdu stories. He has constantly composed amusing and cleverness articles in an exceptionally lovely and intriguing path in his books. Mazeed Himaqatain Pdf Urdu book has additionally a couple of fascinating and cleverness Urdu articles.

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