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Showing posts from April, 2020

Dekho Uska Hijr | Whatsapp Status Poetry | Love Poetry | 4 Lines Poetry | Sad Poetry | Dukhi Poetry | Zee&Poetry

Karamaat e Awliya (کرامات اولیا) | Allama Yousaf bin Ismail Nabhani | PDF Download Free

Name: Karamaat e Awliya Name: کرامات اولیا Author: Allama Yousaf bin Ismail Nabhani Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Fasoos ul Hukam (فصوص الحکم و خصوص الکلم) | M. Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui | PDF Download Free

Name: Fasoos ul Hukam Name: فصوص الحکم و خصوص الکلم Author: M. Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Hijaab ko Be-Naqaab Hona Tha | Whatsapp Status Poetry | Love Poetry | Ghazal Status Poetry | Zee&Poetry

hijab ko benaqab hona tha haan mujh hi ko kharaab hona tha kheli banchpan mein ankh micholi nahut aaya shabaab toh hisaab hona tha saath rehte hain raat din ki tarah tum ho mahtab mujhe aaftaab hona tha meri ankhon ka kuch kusoor nahi husn ko lajawaab hona tha tha muqaddar mein hamaara milna magar na hum kahan kaamyaab hona tha

Allah hus Samad (اللہ الصمد) | Baba Irfan ul Haq | PDF Download Free

Name: Allah hus Samad Name: اللہ الصمد Author: Baba Irfan ul Haq Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Bazm e Munawar (بزم منور)

Name: Bazm e Munawar Name: بزم منور Size: 14mb Volumes: 05 Volume01 Volume02 Volume03 Volume04 Volume05

Gunahon Say Tauba Keejiye (گناہوں سے توبہ کیجیے) | Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi | PDF Download Free

Name: Gunahon Say Tauba Keejiye Name: گناہوں سے توبہ کیجیے Author: Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Droon Russia (درون رشیا) | Hakeem Muhammad Saeed | PDF Download Free

Name: Droon Russia Name: درون رشیا Author: Hakeem Muhammad Saeed Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Gawanta Namo ki Kahani (گوانتاناموبے کی کہانی) | Mulla Abdul Salaam Zaief | PDF Download Free

Name: Gawanta Namo ki Kahani Name: گوانتاناموبے کی کہانی Author: Mulla Abdul Salaam Zaief Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Fayyuz e Ghos Yazdani (فیوض غوث یزدانی) | Fateh ur Rabbani | PDF Download Free

Name: Fayyuz e Ghos Yazdani Name: فیوض غوث یزدانی Author: Fateh ur Rabbani Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Israr e Ruhaniyat (اسرار روحانیت) | Prof. M. Abdullah Bhatti | PDF Download Free

Name: Israr e Ruhaniyat Name: اسرار روحانیت Author: Prof. M. Abdullah Bhatti Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Israar e Haqiqi (اسرار حقیقی) | PDF Download Free

Name: Israar e Haqiqi Name: اسرار حقیقی Author: Not Available Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Fazail e Quran (فضائل قرآن) | Muhammad Faiz Ahmad Awaisi

حضرت علامہ مفتی محمد فیض احمد اویسی علیہ الرحمۃ( مفسر قرآن،شیخ الحدیث ، عاشق شمع رسالت ، امام العصر ، عالم با عمل ، شمشیر رضا ) - بہاولپور پنجاب، پاکستان( مملکت خداداد ، اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان )والد گرامي: مولانا نور احمد اویسی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ | سلسله: اویسیہتحريك: تحفظ ناموس رسالت و صحابہ و اہل بیت اطہار و اولیاء عظام ،تحفظ عقائد اہلسنت، فروغ علم دین مفسر قرآن فیض احمد اویسی عالم اسلام کی ایک عظیم علمی شخصیت تھے۔ ان کی پیدائش مولانا نور احمد اویسی کے گھر 1931ء یا 1932ء میں ضلع رحیم یار خان پنجاب کے گاؤں حامد آباد میں ہوئی۔ آپ نے 1942ء تا 1946ء یعنی تین سال کے اندر قرآن مجید حفظ کرنے کی سعادت حاصل کی۔1946ء میں نظم فارسی کا کورس شروع کر دیا۔ 1947ء تک کریما و پند نامہ سوری تا مثنوی شریف پڑھی۔ 1947ء میں علماء مولانا محمد نواز اویسی صاحب‘ خورشید ملت الحاج مولانا خورشید احمد صاحب اور علامہ مولانا الحاج محمد عبدالکریم رحمھم ﷲ تعالیٰ سے درسِ نظامی کی تعلیم حاصل کی اور 1951ء میں درس نظامی کا کورس انہی اساتذہ سے مکمل کیا۔آپ کا وصال 15 رمضان المبارک کو ہوا۔

Jouney To Madinah (Safar e Madina) (سفر مدینہ) | Dr. Muhammad Najeeb Qasmi

Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi is an Indian Islamic researcher of the Deobandi school of Islamic idea. He has wrote books like: Hajj-e-Mabroor, Mukhtasar Hajj-e-Mabroor, Hayya Alas Salah, Islahi Mazaamin, Umrah Ka Tariqah, Tohfa-e-Ramazan and Maloomat-e-Quran. He additionally sorts out Hajj Orientation program once in a year to give exact direction to the pioneers in Riyadh. In the wake of finishing Islamic examinations and religious philosophy at Darul Uloom Deoband in 1994, Dr. Najeeb Qasmi joined Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi where he did graduation in Arabic and two courses of interpretation. He did his M.A in Arabic from Delhi University. Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi has been granted PhD from the Jamia Millia Islamia on the theme الجوانب الأدبية والبلاغية والجمالية في الحديث النبوي من الصحيحين under the supervision of Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan Nadwi and Prof. R. I. Faynan. Dr. Najeeb Qasmi has been working in Riyadh since 1999. Mufti Najeeb Qasmi is grandson of Maulana ...

Guftagu (گفتگو) | Complete Series | Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif | 30 Books Complete Series | Free PDF Download

The book Guftagu is an accumulation of talks and sections of extraordinary author Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif. The writer of the book Guftagoo was a Sufi researcher, profound instructor, and reporter. He was a scholarly and a writer of Urdu and Punjabi language. Wasif impacted to the general population through his Mahafils and books. As a Writer: Wasif Ali Wasif was offered a lot to quietness. He burned through most piece of the day in quiet serenity, however when he talked there was nothing that was not quotable. His composed and verbally expressed words are quotable for their substance just as their development. Ace of adage, he has the phenomenal capacity to catch a rainbow of significance in a couple of dewdrops of very much picked words. His paper works verified him a changeless spot in the exhibition of beautician composition journalists. Despite the fact that his fundamental specialty is his works, a select circle realizes that he was a similarly incredible conversationalist. ...

Prophet of Islam | Nuh (Noah) | The Birth of Prophet Nuh (Noah) | The Story of Nuh (Noah)

Nuh (Noah) - Variations on the Birth-Year of Noah He was Noah Ibn Lamik, Ibn Mitoshilkh, Ibn Enoch, Ibn Yard, Ibn Mahlabeel, Ibn Qinan, Ibn Anoush, Ibn Seth, Ibn Adam the Father of Mankind. According to the history of the People of the Book , ("People of the Book" refers to the Jews and Christians, so-called by Allah because they received Revealed Books, the Taurat, Zabur, and Injeel. These names are translated "Torah", "Psalms", and "Gospels", respectively, but the books that are extant are corrupt. Of the Revealed Books, only the Qur'an remains exactly as it was revealed) the period between the birth of Noah and the death of Adam was one hundred forty-six years (According to Genesis 5, New Revised Standard version, Noah was born one hundred twenty six years after the death of Adam). Thn Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad said: "The period between Adam and Noah was ten centuries." (According to Genesis 5, New Revised Sta...

Prophet of Islam | Ayoub (Job) | The Birth of Prophet Ayoub (Job) | The Story of Ayoub (Job)

Job's Family History Ibn Ishaaq stated that he was a man of Rum. His name was Job, Ibn Mose, Ibn Razeh, Ibn Esau, Ibn Isaac , Ibn Abraham . Someone else said he was Job, Ibn Mose, Ibn Rimil, Ibn Esau, Ibn Isaac, Ibn Jacob. There have also been other statements on his lineage. Ibn Asaker narrated that his mother was a daughter of Lot . It was said, also, that his father was one who believed in Abraham when he was cast into the fire. The first opinion is the most plausable, because he was a descendant of Abraham's offspring as Allah Almighty declared: And that was Our proof which We gave Abraham against his people. We raise whom We will in degrees. Certainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob, each of them We guided, and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. Thus do We reward the good-doers. Surah 6: 83-84 Allah's Praises of Job Allah the Almighty praised His worshi...

Prophet of Islam | Yunus (Jonah) | The Birth of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) | The Story of Yunus (Jonah)

Description of Jonah's People Prophet Jonah (Yunus) also known as Dhan-Nun. About his people Almighty Allah said: Was there any town (community) that believed (after seeing the punishment), and its Faith (at that moment) saved it (from the punishment)? (The answer is none,) - except the people of Jonah; when they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of the (present) world, and permitted them to enjoy for a while. Surah 10: 98 The inhabitants of the town of Nineveh were idolators who lived a shameless life. Prophet Jonah was sent to teach them the worship of Allah. The people disliked his interference in their way of worship, so they argued: "We and our forefathers have worshipped these gods for many years and no harm has come to us." Jonah Leaves His People Try as he might to convince them of the foolishness of idolatry and of the goodness of Allah's laws, they ignored him. He warned them that if they kept on with their foolish...

Kitab Al-siyar Al-saghir | کتاب السیر الصغیر | The Shorter Book on Muslim International Law | MuhammadAl-hasanAl-shaybani

Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybānī, The Shorter Book of Muslim International Law (Kitāb al-Siyar al-Saghīr), ed. and transl. Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi. Islamabad, Pakistan: Islamic Research Institute, 1998. 113 p. Casebound. ISBN 969-408-194-7; additionally distributed by Adam Publishing and Distributors, India, 2007. 113 p. Rs 180.00/$16.50. Casebound. ISBN 817-435-363-1.How would it be able to be something else: the principal book to be explored in JUS GENTIUM is "maybe the soonest [surviving] chip away at the subject of universal law throughout the entire existence of humankind". The Kitāb al-Siyar al-Saghīr. The Shorter Book of Muslim International Law was initially created somewhere in the range of 767 and 773 CE (150-157 AH) by one of the best worldwide legal scholars ever: Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybani. Considering what was known as crafted by Shaybani in the English language world preceding the presence of this content in 1998, global legal advisers the world over ow...

The Muslim 500: The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims | for the year 2020.

"The Muslim 500: The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims" for the year 2020. The production tries to "find out the impact a few Muslims have on this network, or for the benefit of the network." They characterize impact as, "any individual who has the force (be it social, ideological, budgetary, political or something else) to roll out an improvement that will significantly affect the Muslim world." The 2020 Edition of the yearly production 'The Muslim 500: The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims' has quite recently been discharged. This is the eleventh yearly issue created by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center, Amman, Jordan. The 2020 release of the must-possess book about the movers and shakers in the Muslim World is presently accessible. The Muslim 500 and its reciprocal site ( have become the world's debut hotspot for a posting of the world's most persuasive Muslims. The Top 50 most persuasiv...

Daanish e Rumi o Saadi (دانش رومی و سعدی) | Dr. Ghulam Jelani Barq | PDF Download Free

Name: Daanish e Rumi o Saadi Name: دانش رومی و سعدی Author: Dr. Ghulam Jelani Barq Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Afkaar e Rumi (افکار رومی) | Maulana Abdul Salam Khan | PDF Download Free

Name: Afkaar e Rumi Name: افکار رومی Author: Maulana Abdul Salam Khan Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Mera Ishq Farishton Jaisa (میرا عشق فرشتوں جیسا) | M. Fayyaz Mahi | PDF Download Free

Name: Mera Ishq Farishton Jaisa Name: میرا عشق فرشتوں جیسا Author: M. Fayyaz Mahi Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Kaaly Ghaat Wali (کالے گھاٹ والی) | M.A. Rahat | PDF Download Free

Name: Kaaly Ghaat Wali Name: کالے گھاٹ والی Author: M.A. Rahat Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Mahram Na Mila Kahin (محرم نہ ملا کہیں) | Muhammad Shoaib | PDF Download Free

Name: Mahram Na Mila Kahin Name: محرم نہ ملا کہیں Author: Muhammad Shoaib Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

How to join PM’s ‘Corona Relief Tigers Force’?

Head administrator Imran Khan has propelled 'Crown Relief Tiger Force' that will work in a joint effort with common organization and armed force to contain the spread of crown infection. Uncommon Assistant to Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar has begun deal with PM's orders in regards to the Corona Relief Tiger Force. Enrollment for the power will be begun from 31st March and will proceed till tenth of April. The power will enlist adolescents who's age will be over 18 years. The power won't just stock proportions in crisis circumstance yet will likewise recognize the hoarders. The volunteers of Tiger Force will help convey nourishment to regions under lock down, other than spreading attention to general society and to watch individuals in isolate. Computerized enlistment structure has been made for the enrollment and young people from every single ideological group can join the power. Crown Relief Tiger Force will be set up in each association c...

Shahid Khan Afridi | Aap Beeti (شاہد خان آفریدی | آپ بیتی) | Qaiser Sagheer | PDF Download Free

Name: Shahid Khan Afridi | Aap Beeti Name: شاہد خان آفریدی | آپ بیتی Author: Qaiser Sagheer Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found