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Rights of People, Their Dealings (Haqooq e insaan aur Moamlaat) (حقوق انسان اور معاملات) | Dr. Muhammad Najeeb Qasmi

Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi is an Indian Islamic researcher of the Deobandi school of Islamic idea. He has wrote books like: Hajj-e-Mabroor, Mukhtasar Hajj-e-Mabroor, Hayya Alas Salah, Islahi Mazaamin, Umrah Ka Tariqah, Tohfa-e-Ramazan and Maloomat-e-Quran. He additionally sorts out Hajj Orientation program once in a year to give exact direction to the pioneers in Riyadh.
In the wake of finishing Islamic examinations and religious philosophy at Darul Uloom Deoband in 1994, Dr. Najeeb Qasmi joined Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi where he did graduation in Arabic and two courses of interpretation. He did his M.A in Arabic from Delhi University. Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi has been granted PhD from the Jamia Millia Islamia on the theme الجوانب الأدبية والبلاغية والجمالية في الحديث النبوي من الصحيحين under the supervision of Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan Nadwi and Prof. R. I. Faynan. Dr. Najeeb Qasmi has been working in Riyadh since 1999.
Mufti Najeeb Qasmi is grandson of Maulana Ismail Sambhali who was a muhaddith of his time and a praised opportunity contender of Indian Independence Movement.
The primary portable App of the world in Urdu, English and Hindi dialects (Deen-e-Islam) of his site ( is exhibited in the administration of Islam. This application is comprising of various parts of life (Faith, Worship, Affairs, Ethics and Social). This App can be introduced on iPhone just as Android mobiles. Around 200 Articles, 100 Lectures and 7 Books will be in your grasp in the wake of introducing this App inside 2 minutes and one can utilize it anyplace either in the place where he grew up or while voyaging. In the wake of introducing this App, one can take advantages of 200 Articles on 21 distinct subjects (Religious and Reformative) without web, however for listening the Lectures, web association is required.


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